Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall * Fabulous * Fun

We've been enjoying the 3 F's!  It's finally Fall and I'm so thankful!  Usually I'm a summer time girl through and through but when you're hauling the cutest lil doll baby, her diaper bag and a purse around it gets HOT!  Miss Everleigh is just as fabulous as ever and we're still having so much fun!  We took her to the pumpkin patch a couple of Saturdays ago and man did she look cute!  Cutest baby there but of course I'm prejudice :)

Got a pretty cute pic of us together.  This is definitely one that will be printed and framed for mommy's desk at work :)

We had fun with the Charlie Brown cutouts.  I can't wait to take her back next year when she's walking and more aware of everything!

I cleaned out E's closet earlier this month and found these overalls that she hadn't worn because they were too big.  She makes such a cute lil farmer Joe!  That look on her face is priceless!  She looks like she's up to something!

Everleigh LOVES her walks and glad that it's cool enough to go on them now!  Pretty girl in her pink and brown.

Flower Child

Everyone is always commenting on what a happy baby Everleigh is.  I'm so blessed and fortunate to have such a sweet baby with a happy disposition.  However, the girl can throw a fit with the best of them!  I would say that 95% of the time she does have a smile on her face!  I just had to get a picture of her throwing one of her little fits to prove that she has the capability.  I LOVE this picture and think it's so stinkin' cute.  She will probably hate me for this when she's older but the proof is in the picture, Everleigh Madison CAN and WILL throw a fit if she is mad!  Ha!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Goodness!  I didn't realize it had nearly been a month since I've last posted!  I guess it's true when they say time flies when you're having fun because that's exactly what we've been doing!  Miss Everleigh has been a very busy bee the past month!  She is now crawling!  She can now pull herself up by holding on to the furniture and stand!  She is really starting to develop her own little personality and boy is she funny!  Sometimes I'll go to get her out of the backseat and I'll she'll be looking the other way.  I'll say her name and she won't look at me and I'll keep saying it and slowly this lil smile will creep on her face and she'll finally look at me and laugh!  Lil stinker!

Our big girl is crawling!

Isn't this picture of my mom and Everleigh so sweet!  E rarely falls asleep like that so I'm glad I got to capture a picture of it!

It doesn't seem possible that she is old enough to be standing!

Finally got to take E to her 6 month appointment on September 15th.  We had a lapse in insurance but thankfully we didn't have any major health issues with her.  She weighed 14.5 lbs and is in the 10% for her weight and is 26 1/2 inches long which puts her in the 55% for her height.  Looks like she's gonna be tall and skinny!  Super model in the making perhaps?  Ha!  Here's a picture of her looking as happy as can be.  This was obviously before she got her shots!

OU/TX was this past Saturday and of course OU won.  Boomer Sooner!  We got her the CUTEST onesie from a boutique in Norman.  It says "Burnt Orange is Never in Style."  Ha!  She wouldn't sit still for the picture but this was the best one I got.

It's no secret that I'm girly and that I would dress my child in pink but I may have gone a little overboard for church on Sunday!  Her onesie says "Step Aside Barbie."  I have a friend from high school that has her own little at home business that made the onesie and bow for Everleigh.  She did such a great job!  I thought she looked so sweet and she looks just as happy as can be to be wearing it :)

My mom and I took her shopping after naps on Sunday.  I guess we tuckered her out.  I love this picture of her because it makes me think of my G'pa Reaves who passed away several years ago.  He always pouted out his lips like that.  I know g'pa would have loved Everleigh.  Love you g'pa and thinking of you always!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Past two weeks

Everleigh is starting to grow up.  It's happening so fast and right before my very eyes :(  Some days I wish that I could just slow down the process and freeze time and then other days I wish I could speed it up.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for allowing me to be her mommy.

E is finally big enough to sit in the grocery cart by herself without her carrier.  She wasn't too sure about it!

This was a very big trip to Walmart for us because not only was it her first time sitting in the cart but we have officially graduated from size 1 diapers to size 2!  

Everleigh was sick on Monday and Brian had to go pick her up from daycare.  I took her to the Dr. after work and found out that she had an upper respiratory infection.  She weighed 13 lbs and 14 ozs.  I just knew that she was gonna be at least 15 but I guess my lil girl is still tiny.  The policy at daycare is if they have a fever of over a 100 that they can't come back for 24 hours.  Unfortunately, my work is not understanding about your child being sick so I was in a scramble to find someone to watch E.  Thankfully a family friend was able to watch her.  Angei sent me this picture of Everleigh while I was at work and to see her so happy made me know that she was in good hands :)

I had Everleigh's first open house at daycare Friday before last.   I felt like such a grown up going to one of those and had to stop and ask myself if I was really old enough to be going to an open house for my child!  Ha!  Everleigh is showing off her pretty dress from her Uncle Tate and Aunt Chelsea.  Still a little big but I think she looks so beautiful.  Her eyes just sparkle!

My mom is OBSESSED with sailor clothes.  I don't remember how many years in a row that my Easter dress was a sailor dress.  I HATED them but looking back I now think they're cute.  My mom bought this for E  and she wore it to church.  I'm not a fan of the hat, I think it would have been cuter with a bow :)  The picture was taken with my iphone so it's not the best quality!

This past Sunday we had dinner at my parents and played games.  My mom was making lemon butter shrimp so we took the seeds out of one of the lemon slices and gave to E to chew on.  She LOVED it!  She was going to town on that lemon and I now know a sure fire way to keep her from being fussy when we are out to dinner.  Give the girl a lemon and she is as happy as can be!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sweet Sweet Baby

I just love my sweet baby so much!  She is such a joy!  For those of you that haven't had a chance to meet her, I hope you get to one day!  When I get ready in the mornings I usually put E on her play mat and she'll play until I go get her to get ready.  Well when I went to get her, she had tuckered herself out from playing and was fast asleep.  I had to snap a picture before I woke her up!

So my brother's new nickname for Everleigh is Medusa bow baby!  I think this might be one of the pictures he was referring to!  I had 8 new bows made for her this past weekend.  I guess she might need to grow into them :)

Since Baby E started teething she has been chewing on everything and I do mean EVERYTHING!  Whether it's my chin, her fist, a blanket or an ENTIRE breadstick from Zio's!  We went there Sunday night for dinner and she was so content with that breadstick.  I was tempted to bring one home because it kept her so busy but decided against it.

I can't believe how much she has changed since we brought her home from the hospital.  Being a parent is the most incredible thing!  She is literally growing up before my eyes and every little thing that she does is seen as an accomplishment by me.  She is now able to hold her bottle by herself which is nice in the mornings when I'm getting ready  but I still love to hold it myself when I rock her to sleep at night.

My sister and her husband picked up E from daycare last Friday and watched her for the evening.  This is a picture that my sister took.  Look at those eyelashes!  They are incredible!  So curly and long.  Mommy is VERY jealous of them!

Monday, August 23, 2010


What an awesome year 2010 has been!  I absolutely adore being Everleigh's mommy!  She's such a happy baby and has the sweetest disposition about her.  Everyone that meets her falls in love with her.  She is constantly smiling and her gummy smile lights up her whole face.  I thought I would share a few pictures from the past year and fill everyone in on what my lil princess has been doing!

I haven't been the greatest at documenting everything but it seems like Baby E, as we affectionately call her, has been rolling over for as long as I can remember.  I know that she rolled over when I was still on maternity leave and that was only for 6 weeks so I don't have the exact day!  She is definitely a lil rolly polly baby.  Always rolling around everywhere!

Here is a picture of  Everleigh on her first day of daycare.  This was an extremely hard day for me because I struggled with the fact that I paying someone else to get to "raise" my daughter.  However, God has been soooo good and all of the girls that watch E during the day are wonderful!  I feel very blessed!

Here's Everleigh on Easter Sunday with a silly lil grin.  She hadn't quite yet  mastered her full fledged smile yet!

At E's 4 month checkup, Dr. Daley (pediatrician), wanted to start her on solids.  We tried green beans that night and she wasn't too sure about it!  Now they're her favorite and she loves them!  On a side note, Dr. Daley also told me at that appointment that the bigger the bow, the better the mom!  Ha!

Some other fun things we got to do with E this summer is take her swimming.  She is a lil water baby for sure!  She'll just lounge back in her floaty and is content as can be!  She LOVES the water!

Everleigh's 1st 4th of July weekend was fun!  I made her an outfit to wear to church on Sunday and I must say that I felt pretty crafty doing it :)

She loves her baths!  She just splashes away and is all smiles the entire time!

Here's a pic of Everleigh with her Grammy.  I met my parents at the mall for E's 6 month pics and they both had on pink and green :)

One of Everleigh's 6 month pictures.  Isn't she beautiful?

Another one of Everleigh's 6 month pictures.  It makes me laugh because she was so good the entire time and this was the very last shot.  The face is priceless!

This is the same outfit that E wore on her first day of daycare when she was 6 weeks old.  She will be 7 months old this Friday and it still fits!  Everleigh is very petite!  I'm thankful though because I've gotten to enjoy her being so little longer than most do!

Everleigh has had two pretty big accomplishments in the past couple of weeks.  The Sunday before last I was getting her out of her car seat to walk into church and she opened her mouth to scream and I was shocked to see her two lil bottom teeth peeking through!  She did so good with the initial teething.  I have heard all these horror stories of babies crying all through the night from teething so I was extremely grateful that she was nothing more than a little fussy.

This past Saturday, Everleigh said her first word, "mama!"  Of course she probably doesn't comprehend that she said it or what it meant but I was excited all the same!  My mom even heard her say it later that day so that was some reassurance that I wasn't making it up!

Sorry this one was so long but now that I have started this blog I will try to stay more on top of things and update frequently so everyone can know what E's been up to!  I love you all and hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My precious angel!

My sweet baby girl, Everleigh Madison, was born on January 27, 2010 at 11:29 pm.  She weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches of pure perfection!  Definitely love at first sight!