Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall * Fabulous * Fun

We've been enjoying the 3 F's!  It's finally Fall and I'm so thankful!  Usually I'm a summer time girl through and through but when you're hauling the cutest lil doll baby, her diaper bag and a purse around it gets HOT!  Miss Everleigh is just as fabulous as ever and we're still having so much fun!  We took her to the pumpkin patch a couple of Saturdays ago and man did she look cute!  Cutest baby there but of course I'm prejudice :)

Got a pretty cute pic of us together.  This is definitely one that will be printed and framed for mommy's desk at work :)

We had fun with the Charlie Brown cutouts.  I can't wait to take her back next year when she's walking and more aware of everything!

I cleaned out E's closet earlier this month and found these overalls that she hadn't worn because they were too big.  She makes such a cute lil farmer Joe!  That look on her face is priceless!  She looks like she's up to something!

Everleigh LOVES her walks and glad that it's cool enough to go on them now!  Pretty girl in her pink and brown.

Flower Child

Everyone is always commenting on what a happy baby Everleigh is.  I'm so blessed and fortunate to have such a sweet baby with a happy disposition.  However, the girl can throw a fit with the best of them!  I would say that 95% of the time she does have a smile on her face!  I just had to get a picture of her throwing one of her little fits to prove that she has the capability.  I LOVE this picture and think it's so stinkin' cute.  She will probably hate me for this when she's older but the proof is in the picture, Everleigh Madison CAN and WILL throw a fit if she is mad!  Ha!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Goodness!  I didn't realize it had nearly been a month since I've last posted!  I guess it's true when they say time flies when you're having fun because that's exactly what we've been doing!  Miss Everleigh has been a very busy bee the past month!  She is now crawling!  She can now pull herself up by holding on to the furniture and stand!  She is really starting to develop her own little personality and boy is she funny!  Sometimes I'll go to get her out of the backseat and I'll she'll be looking the other way.  I'll say her name and she won't look at me and I'll keep saying it and slowly this lil smile will creep on her face and she'll finally look at me and laugh!  Lil stinker!

Our big girl is crawling!

Isn't this picture of my mom and Everleigh so sweet!  E rarely falls asleep like that so I'm glad I got to capture a picture of it!

It doesn't seem possible that she is old enough to be standing!

Finally got to take E to her 6 month appointment on September 15th.  We had a lapse in insurance but thankfully we didn't have any major health issues with her.  She weighed 14.5 lbs and is in the 10% for her weight and is 26 1/2 inches long which puts her in the 55% for her height.  Looks like she's gonna be tall and skinny!  Super model in the making perhaps?  Ha!  Here's a picture of her looking as happy as can be.  This was obviously before she got her shots!

OU/TX was this past Saturday and of course OU won.  Boomer Sooner!  We got her the CUTEST onesie from a boutique in Norman.  It says "Burnt Orange is Never in Style."  Ha!  She wouldn't sit still for the picture but this was the best one I got.

It's no secret that I'm girly and that I would dress my child in pink but I may have gone a little overboard for church on Sunday!  Her onesie says "Step Aside Barbie."  I have a friend from high school that has her own little at home business that made the onesie and bow for Everleigh.  She did such a great job!  I thought she looked so sweet and she looks just as happy as can be to be wearing it :)

My mom and I took her shopping after naps on Sunday.  I guess we tuckered her out.  I love this picture of her because it makes me think of my G'pa Reaves who passed away several years ago.  He always pouted out his lips like that.  I know g'pa would have loved Everleigh.  Love you g'pa and thinking of you always!